Become a successful you.
Trainer's Skill Development

In Emotional Intelligence

Become a Trainer in Emotional Intelligence
Become a Trainer in Emotional Intelligence

The Emotional Intelligence training by Royal Macnas International Training & Coaching Academy helps you to define this as the ability to manage not only your own emotions but also the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence training by us can help employees identify the real underlying issues when they are working, rather than being swept away by anger or frustration. It can also be especially beneficial for teachers and your front-line managers.

Emotionally intelligent employees have a high dose of two important skills: personal competence and social competence. When emotions run high, they change the way our brains function, diminishing our basic cognitive abilities, decision-making powers, and even our interpersonal skills. That is why even the most talented people can underperform when faced with triggering relationships, rapid change and disruption, or high-stakes (and high-stress) projects. Emotional Intelligence is the key to having a positive impact on your team and organization. It is foundational to developing people, teams, and cultures that can adapt and engage, no matter what challenges are encountered.And in today’s competitive world companies or organizations need to develop leadership competencies that enable their leaders to proactively respond rather than react and demonstrate the empathy and care for their people that is more essential than ever.

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is a concept that describes factors that set successful leaders apart from other leaders. EQ can be defined as those skills that people use to manage their own emotions wisely, to help them achieve their goals and to manage their interactions with others in ways that maximize the chances of influencing others constructively.The days when intelligence was your ticket to success is gone. Current research shows that IQ along with skills and knowledge make up only 20% of what you need for success. Emotional Intelligence (also known as Emotional Quotient) is the other 80%.


  • Build stronger relationships.
  • Create a better team of negotiators at your firm.
  • You will be able to empathize better.
  • You will be able to keep a composure.